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Výsledky hledání Počet odpovídajících položek: 27

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Polish popular science magazines until 1939 – a research report
Abstract: The emergence of popular science journals in Poland in the second half of the 18th century, their development at a varied pace and in subsequent ...
Jiří Trávníček: Researcher of Readership
Optimizing standards for bibliographic description of monographic electronic publications in the Czech libraries network
Summary: The new RDA cataloguing rules (Resource Description and Access) will become the standard cataloguing practice within the Czech Republic in 2015. The ...
Current editing situation of Supplements to Knihopis of Czech and Slovak Early Printed Books and museum libraries
Summary: The article offers essential information concerning the present situation in editing the alphabetical and numeral Supplements to Knihopis of Czech ...
The meaning and purpose of library in children’s and adolescents’ conception
Summary: The paper informs about a research project that is being implemented by teachers and students of the Institute of the Czech language and Library ...
Libraries and their participation in the project „Joint action of social partners to address key issues in the sectors“: Summary of the results of the project’s topics
The Right to be Forgotten on the Internet
Summary: The study The Right to be Forgotten on the Internet is based on the diploma thesis of the same title by the author and applies to the application of ...
Qu’est-ce que’un livre ? Réponse à une question de Kant
Information Commons – principles and elements in Czech libraries
Summary: The article brings insights associated with experience from practical application Conception Information Commons. The text refers to a diploma thesis ...
The relationship between reading and school performance of pupils in primary and secondary schools
Summary: In 2017 the National Library of the Czech Republic conducted a national survey entitled The Czech children and youth as readers. Altogether 2000 ...
Position of the National Library of the Czech Republic in Comparison with a Number of Other National Libraries of Europe
Summary: The article concerns the comparison of selected statistical data from several national libraries. The data have been acquired via specific ...
Indexing of documents and new scientific fields: on the margins of the problem
Summary: The current rapid development of sciences and the emergence of new disciplines are referred to as the analytic-synthetic period. New fields with new ...
Terminology seminar at he National Library of the Czech Republic
Summary: The article describes the program of the Terminology seminar that took place on April 4, 2019 in the National Library of the Czech Republic.
Extension of an active working life – threats, obstacles and possible solutions in libraries
Summary:The Association of Librarians and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic (SKIP CR) was one of the partners in a project supported by the ...
Major topics in contemporary information science
Summary: The paper seeks to identify major topics in contemporary information science. To achieve this goal it analyses key information science publications, ...
The National survey of the salary, age and educational structure of the library employees in the Czech republic in 2016: Survey results
Summary: National library has realized an extensive The National survey of the salary, age, and educational structure of library employees in the Czech ...
The new Slovak Library Act
Summary: The contribution describes the essential contents and the efficiency of the new act on libraries, drawing attention to the main points relating to the ...
The 80th anniversary of doc. PhDr. Rudolf Vlasák
Information literacy development projects for lifelong learning
Summary: The paper presents three domestic projects for the development of information literacy, its aim is to show the direction in which literacy education ...
Usability testing methodology of mobile interactive maps for the library wayfinding purposes
Summary: To simplify the orientation in libraries, different types of interior maps are used in addition to the signs in its space. Signs and maps are parts of ...
Department of Photography of Film and TV School of Academy of Performing Arts (Prague) in Havana – Starting Czech-Cuban collaboration in protecting the photographic cultural heritage?
Summary: In the course of 2014 a joint scientific project was carried out by experts in the field of photography restoration at the Prague FAMU Academy ...
Terminographical work and the TDKIV database
Summary: After the introductory presentation of the Czech Terminology Database of Library and information science (TDKIV being the Czech acronym) the author ...
Archivematica – selected foreign projects
Summary: The paper brings a survey of some selected foreign digital repositories making use of the open source system for long-term archiving Archivematica, ...
Trustworthy digital repositories, their audit and certification
Summary: The aim of the submitted article consists in informing the reader about the importance and the attributes of reliable repositories and in describing, ...
Digital preservation - from theory to practice?
Abstract: This article puts forward introductory information about long-term digital preservation (LTP). The text explains basic terminology and concepts ...
Tools for Digital Preservation
Summary: This text offers a basic introduction about the tools and information sources that are applicable in the field of long-term archiving (digital ...
The History of a Periodical Knihovna: knihovnicka revue
Summary: The contribution briefly describes the history of Knihovna, a periodical having entered the 25th year of its existence in the current year. It ...