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Nacházíte se zde: Úvod Archives 2016/2 Library and information at home and abroad The Right to be Forgotten on the Internet

The Right to be Forgotten on the Internet

Summary: The study The Right to be Forgotten on the Internet is based on the diploma thesis of the same title by the author and applies to the application of the right to be forgotten on the Internet. The right to be forgotten is inferred from the judgment of the European Court of Justice on 13 May 2014 in the case Costeja versus Google Spain, where an Internet user named Mario Costeja Gonzáles first succeeded with a request of removal of unflattering information about himself from results of the search engine Google. Thus an important precedent has been created that will have a big impact on seeking information on the Internet in the future, as since the pronouncement of the judgment any European Internet user can demand the removal of his personal data. The study aims to analyze the issue of the right to be forgotten in the context of searching for information on the Internet in the European Internet environment – it means not to be searched on the default search query by the web browser. This is intended to protect the personality of Internet users and their reputation.

Keywords: right to be forgotten, Google, internet search engines, personal data protection, the right to information, freedom of expression, access to information

Mgr. Jana Jůzová / Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, U Kříže 8, 158 00 Praha 5 – Jinonice, Czech republic
