Information for libraries

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Nacházíte se zde: Úvod Declaration of Accessibility

Declaration of Accessibility

The websites are composed in the way that complies with the conditions of the Regulation Nr. 64/2008 Coll., concerning the form of publicizing the information related to the exercise of public administration by way of websites for persons with disabilities (regulation on accessibility).

The websites have been formed to comply with the accessibility and barrier-free character of the web so that they fulfil all important principles of accessibility.

Markup Language HTML and cascade styles CSS are used for the presentation of all information on these websites.

Help: You can use standard instruments offered by your web browser to turn off styles or to change font size.

Design of the websites have been tested and is fully functional in the web browsers   Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+, Mozilla Firefox 34+, Apple Safari 8.1+, Google Chrome 39+. It is highly probable that the website will function fully also in other browsers which use the kernels of WebKit and Gecko in the versions from the end of 2014 and later.

This declaration applies only to the information presented on this web – it has not to apply necessarily to other servers within the domain of
