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Nacházíte se zde: Úvod Archives 2016 / 02 Information and conferences Tezaurus – prostriedok k zjednoteniu odbornej terminológie v oblasti celulózo-papierenského priemyslu a súčasne aj nadstavba existujúceho komplexného informačného systému

Tezaurus – prostriedok k zjednoteniu odbornej terminológie v oblasti celulózo-papierenského priemyslu a súčasne aj nadstavba existujúceho komplexného informačného systému

Summary: Thesaurus is generally regarded as the extension of the existing information system in a specific field of science. Pulp and paper industry in the Slovak and Czech Republic in this region has a long tradition. The absence of a thesaurus in the field of science processing of wood is therefore considered to be a drawback, since the thesaurus forms an effective basis for information retrieval and study work in research, project and educational activities, project and as well as for the educational activities. The aim of the project is to create a monolingual thesaurus and unify the pulp and paper terminology.The presented comprehensive information system is interconnected with the creation of the thesaurus is based on strong, effective used of information funds, their digitization and in the own pulp and paper database and in the continuous provide professional information for research and development, universities and business.

Keywords: pulp and paper industry, thesaurus, controlled vocabularies, technical libraries, internal networks, data transmission

Ing. Alena Zuzánková / Výskumný ústav papiera a celulózy a.s., Lamačská 3, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovensko
